This website is the accompanying resource to No Contacts? No Problem! How To Pitch and Sell a Freelance Feature. It`s packed with editor`s tips, database resources, and tools to track down publications likely to publish your work.
If you`re a reader, you can also:
* Access an archive of real-life winning pitches.
* Get your hands on free PR goodies.
* Find out about upcoming press trips
* Sign up for emails from editors requesting freelancers
* Generate clips - get the inside track on publications who`ll publish first-timers
Win! Cook Islands Trip and Guaranteed Travel Commission in Real Travel Magazine - to find out more click here.
If you haven`t bought the book yet, you can get a copy here.

Catherine Quinn a freelance writer with almost a decade of experience selling features to national publications.
She covers travel, food and employment topics for The Times, The Guardian, The Independent, The Telegraph and The Mirror, and write for magazines too numerous to mention, having started out with no contacts in the industry.
She now runs training sessions for first-time freelancers as well as corporate press officers and PRs.